Everything You and Your Parents Should Know About the 2020 Flu Shot

It’s that time of the year again. Flu shots are important every year, but it’s highly recommended that everyone get the 2020 flu shot. Why? Medical professionals worry about how well people will be able to fight off the flu if they happen to contract COVID-19 around the same time.


Caregiver in Shelter Island NY: 2020 Flu Shots

Caregiver in Shelter Island NY: 2020 Flu Shots


Your parents can get their annual flu shot at their doctor’s office, certain retailers, or participating retailers. Here’s what they need to know about the 2020 flu shot.

Influenza Strains That the Flu Shot Protects Against

Each year, medical experts study the prevalent strains of flu from the past few months of activity and create vaccines based on that activity. There are two flu shots available: trivalent and quadrivalent.

Trivalent protects against H1N1, H3N2, and Victoria B viruses.
Quadrivalent protects against H1N1, H3N2, Victoria B, and Yamagata viruses.

If your parents are over the age of 64, they should talk to their doctor or pharmacist about the high-dose vaccine for older adults. It may not be available everywhere. They need to address whether it’s better to wait until it is available.
Ask About Protocol

While pharmacies, doctors, and clinics are all offering flu shots, some have a protocol in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic. If you don’t see anything, call before you bring your parents for their flu shot.

A face mask may be required. Your parents may have to undergo a quick health check that involves having their temperature taken and answering questions about exposure to the people with coronavirus. If you know what rules apply, your parents won’t get turned away.


Side Effects of the Flu Shot

Most people don’t deal with side effects, but your parents may have a sore arm in the injection site for a few days. They may feel a little achy a day or two after the injection is given.

Flu shots do not cause the flu. People believe this, but what happens is that they were exposed to the flu before the vaccine became effective. It takes a few weeks for the body to build up immunities after the shot.


Family Members Who Are Sick Should Stay Away

What do you do if you get the flu? What if your parents get it? Most importantly, you need to quarantine yourself to make sure you’re not bringing the virus into their home. Stay home and allow yourself the time that’s needed to recover from it. Elder care services can help out while you stay home.

If your parents have the flu, they need someone monitoring them as they recover. They may need someone bringing them water and juice so that they stay in bed and rest. They’ll need someone to make soup and broth to ensure they get nutrients each day.

Elder care aides can do all of that and alert doctors if your parents seem to be getting worse. Having someone available to drive them to the hospital if it’s necessary gives everyone peace of mind. Call an elder care agency to discuss temporary home care services when you or your parents are sick.


If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring a Caregiver in Shelter Island, NY, call the caring staff at Artful Home Care today at 631-685-5001.



Beth McNeill-Muhs
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