How Do You Get Your Mom to Stop Skipping Meals?

Elder care in Hampton Bays NY: Senior Nutrition Tips

Elder care in Hampton Bays NY: As she ages, your mom’s becoming more likely to skip meals. She has coffee at breakfast, but isn’t hungry for cereal, toast, or eggs. At lunch, she may snack on something like a yogurt or banana.

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What Do Your Loved One’s Feelings Look Like?

Elderly Care in Hampton Bays NY: Sometimes when your elderly loved one is dealing with health changes or when she’s unable to communicate like she used to, she might feel trapped and frustrated. Using art therapy to get to the bottom of those feelings can be a powerful way to reach her.

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Easy Winter Weather Soups


Elderly Care in Hampton Bays NY Especially as the weather turns colder, a bowl of soup can make for a delightful dinner for your senior. Here are some suggestions for meals that they can either make for themselves or you can make and share with them. As seniors age they can develop sensitivities both to…

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Deciding When Elderly Care is Needed

Elderly Care in Hampton Bays NY

Elderly Care in Hampton Bays NY The word “elderly” is not one that many seniors want to use to describe themselves. According to the World Health Organization, most developed countries start to think of people as “elderly” when they are over the age of 65. Many people in their sixties, seventies, and eighties would disagree…

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