Just How Important is Your Sense of Smell?

Elder Care in Shelter Island NY: Sense of Smell

Elder Care in Shelter Island NY: When you lose the sense of smell or it changes, it’s a medical condition known as anosmia. Let’s take a closer look at this condition that could impact your mom or dad’s safety.

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What Do the Elderly Worry About?

Home Care Shelter Island NY: Mental Health for Seniors

Home Care in Shelter Island NY: What do your elderly mom and dad worry about most? Each year, the United States of Aging asks seniors to complete a survey regarding things that concern elderly men and women across the nation.

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How to Shop When Your Mom’s Doctor Suggests Special Clothing for Alzheimer’s

Elderly Care in Shelter Island NY: As your mom’s Alzheimer’s progresses, she may struggle with buttons, laces, and zippers. You may notice she always goes for the same color. She also might insist on sweaters and jeans, even if it’s hot and humid outside. You need to keep things like this in mind as you help her shop for clothes.

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