How to Get Your Elderly Loved One to Eat Healthier

Home Health Care in Hampton Bays NY: Senior Healthy Eating

Home Health Care in Hampton Bays NY: If you can get your elderly loved one to eat healthier, that can help them in so many ways. Research shows that eating nutritiously can help to fight off many diseases including heart disease and inflammatory conditions.

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How Do You Get Your Mom to Stop Skipping Meals?

Elder care in Hampton Bays NY: Senior Nutrition Tips

Elder care in Hampton Bays NY: As she ages, your mom’s becoming more likely to skip meals. She has coffee at breakfast, but isn’t hungry for cereal, toast, or eggs. At lunch, she may snack on something like a yogurt or banana.

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Reviewing Your Parent’s Home for Fire Safety during National Safe at Home Week

Home Care in Hampton Bays NY: A fire is one of the most frightening and potentially devastating emergencies that your elderly parent can face. Unfortunately, they are not uncommon. There are nearly 360,000 home fires reported each year, accounting for more than 75 percent of all structure fires that occur throughout the United States.

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Tips for Handling a Home Care Provider Traveling with You this Holiday Season


Home Care in Hampton Bays NY Hiring a home care provider for your aging loved ones can be one of the best decisions that you make for them in your care journey. This in home health care services provider can be there for your aging parents to make sure that their needs are met, they…

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Innovative Home Care: Using Photographs to Enhance Your Care for Seniors with Dementia


Home Care in Hampton Bays NY Finding out that your elderly loved one has dementia can be overwhelming, but it does not have to mean that she cannot continue to live an active, engaged, and enjoyable lifestyle as she progresses through her disease. Modifying her lifestyle and finding ways to adapt to her specific cognitive…

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