Family and Genetic Risks of Cancer in Seniors

Home Care Services in Shelter Island NY: Genetic Risks of Cancer

Home Care Services in Shelter Island NY: Knowing that the most common cancers facing the elderly include prostate, breast, lung, colon, skin, and pancreas, there are still many things to consider in the risk of cancer.

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When You’re New to Caregiving, It’s Easy to Feel Overwhelmed

Home Health Care in Shelter Island NY: Caregiving Tips

Home Health Care in Shelter Island NY: Being new at something, especially a job, can feel a bit overwhelming. As a new family caregiver, perhaps looking after an aging parent or grandparent, you may have no clue what this is all going to look like in a few weeks or months.

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Hypothyroidism is Common in Aging Adults

Home Health Care in Shelter Island NY: Hypothyroidism in Aging Adults

Home Health Care in Shelter Island NY: Millions of aging adults suffer from hypothyroidism, but many people don’t really understand the disease or how to care for an elderly relative who has it.

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