Why Caregivers Should Help Older Adults Be More Independent

Senior Care in East Quogue NY: Senior Independence

Senior Care in East Quogue NY: Sometimes family caregivers accuse the older adults they care for, of being stubborn when they refuse help. It’s true that it can be frustrating when a senior won’t let you help them, but it may not be stubbornness causing their refusal.

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Know the Signs of Depression

Senior Care in East Quogue NY: Depression is an extremely complex disease. There are numerous causes including changing hormone levels, medications, changing environmental situations as well as life-changing events. It can be either difficult to pinpoint the exact cause or one may know the exact moment and reason it struck.

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January is National Bath Safety Month


Senior Care in East Quogue NY Taking a warm bath can be a great way to relax and unwind, especially in the chilly winter months.  For relief from stress and muscle tension, taking a bath complete with essential oils and bath salts is the perfect remedy for elderly adults and their caregivers, too.  However, the…

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