4 Fun Summer Activities for Senior Citizens


Senior Care in Montauk NY: Seniors often have a tendency to reduce the amount of outside activities they do, especially during summer months. It is common for seniors to choose to stay indoors and read or watch television as opposed to remaining socially active, which may affect their health.

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The Powerful Effects of Knitting for Art Therapy


Senior Care in Montauk NY Whether the senior is overcoming psychological or physical disabilities, art therapy can be a powerful tool at conquering these obstacles that are taking over the senior’s life. Art therapy requires an art therapist to come in and conduct many different activities that will provide soothing, relaxing feelings among the ailing…

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Seniors Need to Face the Music!

Senior Care in Montauk NY

Senior Care in Montauk NY Music has long been called “The International Language” because everyone who listens to it can understand it as it fuels the senses.  You don’t need to speak a certain language in order to appreciate music; all you need is a receptive ear and an appreciative audience. This is especially true for…

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