Distance Elderly Care: Ensuring Your Loved Ones Are Prepared for Winter Emergencies

Elderly Care in Water Mill NY

Devising and managing an elderly care approach when you live at a distance from your aging loved ones can be challenging, especially when you are Elderly-Care-Water-Mill-NYpresented with pressing issues such as severe winter weather. Winter emergencies can be frightening and if you live too far away from your parents to actually get to them if such an emergency occurs, you want to feel confident that they are as prepared as possible so that they can get through the emergency safely.


Use these tips to help you ensure that your aging loved ones are prepared for winter emergencies even when you are at a distance:

• Ensure their homes are prepared. Your parents’ home is their first line of defense against serious winter weather, so make sure that it is ready to weather the storms. Get in touch with the elder care agency in their area to get recommendations for professionals who have a reputation for good customer service and may be known for working well with seniors. Consider preparations such as fireplace and chimney inspections, window and door inspections, heating system inspections and repairs, and checks to ensure features such as handrails are secure

• Send supplies. If you want to make sure that your aging parents have everything that they need to get them through winter emergencies, take advantage of internet-based delivery services to send your loved ones care packages of supplies. These services make it convenient for you to order items right from your computer, pay for them, and then have them shipped right to your parents’ home so that they are fully prepared even if you cannot get to them to bring them what they need. Utilize this service for supplies such as food, extra blankets, warm clothing, or ice removal supplies

• Check for shelters. Research their area to find out about emergency shelters that they can go to if the weather becomes extreme or if they lose power in their home. Make sure your parents know where this shelter is and how to get there, or contact the shelter to find out about emergency transportation to the shelter for seniors so that you can instruct your parents on who to call if this situation arises

• Get help. Feel more confident about your parents’ health and safety throughout the entire winter season by getting in touch with the elder care agency and finding out about hiring an elderly health care services provider who can be there with your parents to make sure that they stay healthy and safe, and that they can handle emergencies that arise effectively. This care provider can be a valuable source of support, and give you more information about your parents day-to-day needs so that you can make the right decisions about their ongoing care

• Consider a transition. From falls on icy walkways to serious colds and flu, the winter can be a hazardous season for elderly adults. If your aging parents are coping with new or worsened conditions since last year, you may want to consider transitioning them into living in your home on a temporary basis. This ensures you are able to give them the care that they need on a daily basis.


If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring professional elderly care in Water Mill, NY, call the caring staff at Artful Home Care today at 631-685-5001.


Beth McNeill-Muhs
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