Healthy Pumpkin Dishes Seniors Will Fall in Love With

Elder Care East Hampton

Elder Care East Hampton

Finally, it’s that time of the year again – pumpkin time! September is the start of pumpkin season. Hence it’s a great time for seniors to embrace the health benefits of pumpkin. Pumpkin tastes great, and it can be cooked in many different ways. It can be used to make delicious desserts, like everyone’s favorite pumpkin pie. But pumpkin can also be used in healthy dishes that are perfect for seniors. Your senior parent can make their own pumpkin puree from fresh pumpkins, or buy pumpkin puree in a can. Just make sure it’s pure pumpkin puree and not sweetened pumpkin pie filling!

Pumpkins Are Packed With Nutrients

Pumpkins are nutritious, and they’re a great healthy addition to any diet. A cup of mashed pumpkin has only about 50 calories, a few carbs, and no sugar. Plus, pumpkins are packed with essential vitamins and minerals. They contain Beta Carotene, which helps seniors keep their eyes healthy. And they have lots of Vitamin A, which seniors need to maintain a healthy heart and immune system. Some great ways seniors can add pumpkins to their diet fall are:

Pumpkin Pasta

Pumpkin puree can be used as the base of a fantastic sauce that can be used on pasta. Or pumpkin puree can be spiced with cinnamon and clove and used as a filling for ravioli or stuffed shells. Pumpkin pasta is a fantastic fall twist on classic pasta dishes. If your senior loved one needs help making meals, elder care can ensure that your senior loved one has all the help they need in the kitchen to create delicious and healthy meals.

Pumpkin Pudding

Pumpkin pudding is as easy as pie to make, and makes a fantastic dessert or delicious hot breakfast. If your senior loved one has elder care, a care provider can mix all the ingredients for this easy dish. After that, leave it in the crock pot overnight, so your senior parent wakes up to a delicious hot breakfast. Pumpkin pudding is just spiced pumpkin puree and sweetened condensed milk mixed with a baking mix and put into the crock pot to cook slowly. It’s delicious all alone or topped with some whipped cream.

Pumpkin Smoothie

Pumpkin puree can be added to a smoothie to give it a nutritional boost and fill out the smoothie a little. The taste of pumpkin will blend nicely with winter berries and bananas to create a delicious healthy smoothie that seniors can enjoy at any time of the day or night.

Pumpkin Soup

Pumpkin can be used instead of butternut squash to make a thick velvety soup, perfect for a chilly fall day. With the right spices and some garnish, pumpkin soup may end up being one of your senior parent’s favorite fall meals. And the concentrated nutrients of the pumpkin will give your senior loved one an immune system boost that will help protect them from fall and winter illnesses.


If you or an aging loved one are considering Elder Care in East Hampton, NY, call the caring staff at Artful Home Care today at 631-685-5001.


Beth McNeill-Muhs
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