National Pet Month

Elder Care in Bridgehampton NY

April is National Pet Month. This is the perfect opportunity for you to integrate the fun, comfort, and benefits of owning a furry friend into your elder care journey with your aging parents. Many Elder-Care-in-Bridgehampton-NYstudies have shown that owning a pet can make a tremendous difference in the lives of older adults. Whether they have owned pets their entire lives and are simply bringing their animals along with them into their aging years or are new to pet ownership, these animals can really enhance their health and wellbeing. During National Pet Month, investigate the ways that regularly interacting with a pet can boost your parent’s quality of life. You can then either help him choose the pet that is right for him, or start making your own pet part of your care efforts.


Some of the benefits of pet ownership for seniors include:

  • Companionship. Many elderly adults suffer from feelings of loneliness and isolation. This can come from no longer driving, not living near friends and family, or cognitive and physical limitations that make socialization more difficult. Having a furry friend creates a meaningful companionship relationship that can ease these feelings. This protects your elderly parent from depression, anxiety, and other mental and emotional health consequences common with these issues. Your parent does not have to own the pet in order to get these benefits. Just getting to spend time with your pet regularly can help with these feelings as well.
  • Creating structure. Routine and predictability are important in later age. Having a routine can help your parent to feel more in control and experience less anxiety. Taking care of a pet encourages routine. Your senior will need to feed and water the animal, take it for a walk or clean up after it, and spend some time snuggling and playing with it. All of these activities can help to create a schedule that will help him to find more meaning in his daily life.
  • Lower blood pressure. Studies have shown that spending time interacting with animals provides actual physical health benefits in addition to those to emotional health. One is the lowering of blood pressure. Since elderly adults are more prone to high blood pressure and the consequences associated with it, this can be especially beneficial. Lowering and controlling blood pressure protects your aging loved one from cardiovascular disease and stroke.
  • Stress relief. This benefit can be helpful for you and your aging parent. Stress is something that everyone experiences, but it is especially common for older adults in elder care relationships. As a family caregiver you are also likely to experience stress. This means that you are at higher risk of experiencing the potentially dangerous consequences of this stress. People who experience high levels of stress are more likely to have headaches, fatigue, digestive problems, and other symptoms. Spending time with a pet can relieve stress and boost your parent’s wellbeing.


During National Pet Month, consider ways that you can bring the benefits of pet ownership into your routine. This can mean going to the shelter and giving an animal a forever home, taking his pet out for a few extra walks, or spending time in the kitchen together baking homemade dog treats to give him something special to enjoy.


If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring professional elder care in Bridgehampton, NY, call the caring staff at Artful Home Care today at 631-685-5001.



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Beth McNeill-Muhs