Why Early Detection is So Important in Treating Chronic Conditions

Elder Care in Montauk NY: Senior Health

Elder Care in Montauk NY: Senior Health

Most adults over the age of 65 have been diagnosed with at least one chronic condition, while many are struggling with two or more. While chronic conditions can affect people of all ages, seniors are by far the largest age group for such illnesses. Chronic illnesses can lead to a loss of independence and a rise in things like financial stress, home care assistance, loss of driving ability and much more.


In addition to age, genetics and lifestyle can boost that risk even higher. Seniors are also less likely to be able to effectively halt or reverse the symptoms of a chronic disease. That’s why early detection of chronic conditions is so important for effective treatment and symptom management. Here’s a list of some of the most common chronic conditions and how elderly adults and family caregivers can work with home care aides, family members, and community senior groups to prevent the onset or deal with a new and early diagnosis.



When pain and stiffness invade the joints of the body, arthritis is usually to blame. This chronic condition ranges from mild to severe. Elderly adults can delay the progression of arthritis by exercising regularly, avoiding smoking, losing weight if over the recommended levels for height and gender, and avoiding joint injuries. Medication can also help manage the symptoms of arthritis.


High Blood Pressure

Well over half of the elderly adults are diagnosed with high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. The problem comes when the heart pumps more blood than the arteries can take, causing stress on the body. It can lead to strokes and heart attacks. Seniors can prevent or reduce high blood pressure by staying at a healthy weight and eating a healthy diet low in salt. Exercise can also help the body fight high blood pressure. A senior adult’s blood pressure should be checked regularly to catch hypertension early on.


High Cholesterol

When the arteries become clogged as a result of an excess of lipids (unhealthy fats), the result is high cholesterol. Seniors with high cholesterol are on the way to developing heart disease. The best way to prevent high cholesterol is to stay active, stay away from smoking, reducing fat in the diet and maintaining a healthy weight. With early detection, high cholesterol is quite treatable and even reversible.



Diabetes is on the rise in the senior population and it can lead to serious conditions such as blindness, heart disease, kidney disease and more. Diet and exercise are the top ways to keep from developing diabetes, and maintaining a healthy weight are critical.


Early Detection Leads to Better Quality of Life

While preventing chronic illnesses is ideal for elderly adults, there are so many circumstances beyond their control, such as family history and genetics. It’s also hard to reverse a lifetime of bad habits. However, even with a diagnosis of a chronic disease, it’s still possible to delay the progression. Early diagnosis means that medicine, physical therapy and a change in lifestyle can all be implemented under the direction of a doctor. This can lead to a better quality of life, less severe symptoms and in some cases, halt the progression of the disease.

If you or an aging loved one is considering elder care in Montauk, NY, call the caring staff at Artful Home Care today at 631-685-5001.



Beth McNeill-Muhs
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