Tips for Following the DASH Diet

If your older family member has been diagnosed with high blood pressure, the doctor may have suggested that the make some lifestyle changes to bring their blood pressure under control.
One thing they might have recommended is the DASH diet. DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. It’s a way of eating that lowers the amount of salt consumed and focuses on foods that can improve health. Making dietary changes isn’t easy, though, especially when trying to follow a dietary plan. To help your older family members get started on the DASH diet, try these tips below.


Elder Care in Montauk NY: Following the DASH Diet

Elder Care in Montauk NY: Following the DASH Diet


Get Ready to Shop

Plan a menu for the week and then create a shopping list based on the menu. Sticking to a list helps to avoid purchasing food items that don’t fit into the plan. Also, make sure that the older adult doesn’t go to the store hungry. That can lead to impulse buys of sweets, chips, and other unhealthy items.


Choose Herbs and Other Flavorings Instead of Salt

One of the keys to following the DASH diet is to use less salt when cooking and to avoid adding salt at the table. Of course, no one wants to eat bland food. To add flavor to food without salt, try using herbs, spices, aromatic vegetables (onions, peppers, etc.), and citrus fruit juice or zest.


Use Less Broth

Lots of recipes call for broth as one of the ingredients. However, even the low sodium versions of broth still contain quite a bit of salt. If a recipe says to cook vegetables in a small amount of broth, use olive oil instead. Or, in recipes that call for small amounts of broth, consider substituting water.


Learn Ways to Modify Recipes

Following the DASH diet doesn’t mean your older family member has to give up all their favorites. Many recipes can be modified to lower the sodium content. Spend some time researching the Internet for low-salt versions of recipes or look for a cookbook that focuses on low-salt eating.


Choose Low-Salt and No Salt Added Options

Many food manufacturers make lower-salt versions of their products. Read labels and look for those that indicate they contain less salt or don’t have any added salt. However, don’t automatically pick the brand that says “low-salt” as it can just mean that the product has less salt than the other version they sell. There may still be a product from another company that contains less salt.

If your aging relative could use some help following the DASH diet, an elderly care provider can help. Some older adults have trouble cooking for themselves, so having an elderly care provider to prepare meals can mean that they eat much healthier than they would on their own. An elderly care provider can even help them to plan meals and shop for the items they need.


If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring Elder Care in Montauk, NY, call the caring staff at Artful Home Care today at 631-685-5001.



Beth McNeill-Muhs
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