Elderly Care: Eating Healthier is Vital to Senior Citizens: Here is How You Can Help

Elderly Care: Nutrition is something that everyone should focus on.

The problem is that many senior citizens can’t keep up with the new nutritional guidelines. They get confused about which foods to eat, how many calories they should be taking in, and about other aspects of their health. However, there are some ways that you and your elderly care providers can help your seniors to focus more on their nutritional needs. One of the ways you can do this is by starting to help them to eat healthier.


Elderly Care in Water Mill NY: Healthy Eating

Elderly Care in Water Mill NY: Healthy Eating


Making a Plan

One of the best ways to help your elderly loved one to eat healthier is to start with a plan. This is the best way to accomplish just about any goal in life. For example, your elderly loved one may want to lose 5 lbs, build more muscle, or reduce their sugar intake. All of this can be included in their eating healthier plan. You or a companion care at home provider can type or write up this plan and put it someplace where your elderly loved one will see it easily. Then, they can follow the plan each day. It can include meals and snacks and things to avoid.


Making Meals Exciting

Is your elderly loved one one of those senior citizens that doesn’t really like to cook? Maybe, they are stuck in the mindset that cooking for just one or two people is too much work. If this is the case, it is crucial that you try to make meals exciting for them. There are numerous ways you can do this. One example would be to have a home care provider help your elderly loved one make a list of fun meals such as baking a new veggie lasagna recipe. The more excited your elderly loved one is to make meals, the more likely they will be to eat healthier.

Eating with Someone

Is your elderly loved one avoiding or skipping out on meals because they don’t like to eat alone? If that is what is causing your elderly loved one to not eat healthily, it may be time to hire companion care at home providers to eat with them. Just having someone sitting at the dinner table or on the couch with them while they eat can be enough to encourage your elderly loved one to eat better and healthier.



These are some of the tips that you may need to start getting your elderly loved one to eat healthier. With these tips, you can start talking to your elderly loved one about what they need to be eating and what would help them to stick to a healthier eating plan.


If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring Elderly Care in Water Mill, NY, call the caring staff at Artful Home Care today at 631-685-5001.



Beth McNeill-Muhs
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