Artful Home Care – Giving Thanks! Monthly Newsletter

Home Care in Southampton NY


PEACE, DREAM, LOVE, India Rose and West

Thanksgiving is a time where we all tend to reflect upon the last year or so. We think of what we are thankful for and the people and gifts that we appreciate.  We also think of those things that may have left us questioning how we really feel.  At Artful Home Care we understand that feelings evolve and change depending on what we are each going through.  We can relate to the challenges that an individual feels when it comes time to recognizing a need for someone to assist them in their home.   This is a very personal experience and cannot be approached the same way for every person.  We are sensitive to those needs and are there to provide a stable support team, right in your community.  Our dedicated, passionate, and personal caregivers are a testament to the level of care we feel we all deserve.


We respect our clients need for privacy.  We want to create a support system that our clients and their families and friends can be involved in. Even if your involvement is simply knowing that your loved one is safe, we provide the real-time tools necessary so people, both near and far, can know their loved one is getting the care they need.


At this holiday season when you gather with friends and family, be mindful of the needs of those you care about, especially those who may not be forthcoming.  People often feel they don’t want to burden others or disappoint people.  I encourage you to take the time to tell them that you care and that you’re there to help.  Support and a smile can go a long way.


Call Artful Home Care today to learn more, 631-259-6472.


Wishing you a joyful holiday!


With Gratitude,





Beth McNeill, President

Artful Home Care, Inc.



If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring professional home care in Southampton, NY, call the caring staff at Artful Home Care today at 631-685-5001.

Beth McNeill-Muhs
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