August Newsletter

Home Care in Southampton NY

What is it that we all struggle with on a daily basis?  What is it that causes us to be concerned?  Or to lose sleep at night?  I don’t need to hear the details.  However I am going to take a guess and Home-Care-in-Southampton-NYsay it is likely to be something we are simply not willing to accept.

Last week I had the pleasure of hearing the wisdom of Certified Geriatric Care Manager Zoe Moffit.  Zoe Moffit, RN-BC, BSN, MFA, spoke at a wellness salon on Integrative Eldercare: Advocating for our Elders and Ourselves.   There were many aspects we covered, including making the choice regarding selecting a trust worthy health care proxy, being an advocate for having holistic choices regarding your health, and then the MOLST document, a very touchy subject for many as it is the Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment.  But what seemed to be a common thread with all we explored is something very fundamental, and this is coming to terms with accepting what you cannot change and accepting what you can.  Once we learn to accept those things we can change, we can improve our lives and once we accept those things we cannot change, we can begin to live our life.

For many people death is not something we want to discuss, let alone accept, but we all will walk down that path.  It is inevitable for each and every one of us.  And when we are able to accept this fact, we can move on to the important things, like sharing the moments we are given with our elderly family members to hear about a memory, or we can enjoy an afternoon without thinking about all the “what if’s” and then maybe we can actually take the time to talk about what our loved ones want as they near their final hours.  But to disregard death and not accept the inevitable will create spiritual, emotional, mental and physical stress.

I encourage you to speak to your close friends and families and have a conversation about accepting what you can change and what you cannot.  We are all facing challenges, and by being supportive of one another and sharing resources, as well as accepting these challenges and moving forward with purpose and intent we can slowly regain our peace and put the body back in balance.

If you would like information on how you can ensure you receive the care you or your loved one wants, please call Artful Home Care, 631-259-6472.  We can connect you to an elder care attorney, a geriatric care manager, a holistic nurse practitioner, or perhaps a lifestyle companion and get you on the path to leading a healthy, happy lifestyle.


With Gratitude,



Beth McNeill-Muhs


If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring professional home care in Southampton, NY, call the caring staff at Artful Home Care today at 631-685-5001.

Beth McNeill-Muhs
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