Tips for Positive Covid-19 Pandemic Family Caregiving

Home Care: Are you still worried about caring for your elderly loved one through the Covid-19 pandemic?

If so, that is normal. There are millions of families around the world who are struggling with this. Let yourself feel these worries, but know there are some tips to help make caregiving through the pandemic safer and easier. A home care services provider can also help out.


Home Care in Water Mill NY: COVID Caregiving

Home Care in Water Mill NY: COVID Caregiving


Offering Support

As a family caregiver, it is crucial that you are giving your elderly loved ones the support they need, even if you can’t be there as often as you would like to. Some of the best ways to support them include:

  • Stopping by on a set schedule
  • Making phone calls to remind them to take care of themselves (staying hydrated, washing their hands, etc.)
  • Call to give medication reminders
  • Remind them to keep up with their appointments
  • Hire elder care providers to help with their care

There are ways to keep caring for your elderly loved one, even with the pandemic going on. If you can do these things, it will help to make things a bit less stressful.

Staying Safe

Yes, the covid-19 virus can be dangerous. However, there are tips to help you and your elderly loved one stay as safe as possible from it. Some of the best tips for doing this include:

  • Don’t sit right next to one another
  • Don’t share utensils
  • Wash hands often
  • Wearing masks and even gloves
  • Get tested if you are sick
  • Clean the home often

If you can start or keep implementing these tips, it can help to reduce the chances of you and your elderly loved one getting Covid.


Getting Outside Help

As noted above, you can choose to hire home care providers to help support and care for your elderly loved one. The elderly care providers are trained to help senior citizens throughout the pandemic. They know how to reduce the transmission of covid and how to help elderly people feel better, too.

Getting Treatment

If you or your elderly loved one do get Covid-19 and you are experiencing health issues because of it, make sure you get treatment. Doctors can prescribe medications and other courses of treatment to help people manage the symptoms of this virus.


These are some of the best tips for positive covid-19 pandemic family caregiving. If you start or keep using these tips, it can lower the chances of you and your elderly loved one getting covid. It can also make you both feel more comfortable with the caregiving duties you have throughout the pandemic.


If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring Home Care in Water Mill, NY, call the caring staff at Artful Home Care today at 631-685-5001.



Beth McNeill-Muhs
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