Have You Heard the Latest Reports About Dental Care and Seniors?

You’ve been focused on your mom’s doctor’s appointments. Have you kept up with her dental appointments? A study done in England found that poor oral care can impact strength in the elderly.


Home Care Riverhead NY

Home Care Riverhead NY: Senior Dental Health


The study involved 1,622 men between the ages of 71 and 92.

Almost 20 percent of the men were already classified as frail when the study began. Three years later, another 10 percent were determined to be frail. Loss of teeth impacted what they could eat, which impacted their mobility, weight, and tolerance for activity.

What Medications Does Your Mom or Dad Take?

Some prescription medications cause dry mouth. This can increase the bacteria in the mouth and lead to problems like gum disease. Blood pressure medications are one of the medications that can lower saliva production. Diuretics and antidepressants are other medications that can cause dry mouth. If your mom or dad takes any of these medications, they may want to ask about oral care products that ease dry mouth.

What Dental Care Does Your Parent Need?

Twice a year, your mom or dad should go for a cleaning and dental exam. With x-rays and a visual check of the teeth and gums, many oral health problems can be caught before they impact physical health. If your parent wears dentures, the dentist can check that they fit correctly and that the bite is not making it hard for your parent to eat.

Dental insurance usually pays for two dental checks per year. If it doesn’t, look at local colleges that have degree programs in dentistry. The students often offer free or highly discounted dental care and exams in order to practice their skills. They’re supervised by licensed dentists, so your parents get quality care for a lower cost.

Caregivers Can Help With Oral Care

If you’ve noticed your mom or dad is having a harder time with daily activities of living, caregivers may be worth hiring. Your mom or dad may not have the wrist mobility to properly brush the teeth. Arthritis might make it hard to floss properly. Seniors may not be able to cook healthy meals or have the interest in doing more than microwaving a frozen meal.

Caregivers can help with grooming, personal care, meals, housework, and laundry. They can give your mom or dad rides to the dentist. They can take your parent shopping for oral care products, groceries, and other necessities. Learn more by calling a home care agency.

If you or an aging loved one is considering Home Care in Riverhead, NY, call the caring staff at Artful Home Care today at 631-685-5001.


Beth McNeill-Muhs
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