The Importance of Paying Attention to Your Own Health Risks as a Family Caregiver

Home Care in Southampton NY: Caregiver Health

Home Care in Southampton NY: Caregiver Health

Taking on the role of being a family caregiver for your elderly parent likely means you dedicated a tremendous amount of time, energy, and effort to help them stay healthy.

This includes knowing their individual risk for different health issues, giving them care to reduce those risks and learning to recognize symptoms that might indicate new challenges that need attention. While this is all part of being a good caregiver for your senior, it is also vital you don’t overbook yourself and your own health needs. Caring for an aging adult can be stressful and time-consuming, which can cause you to make lifestyle choices that leave you at higher risk for health issues, such as not getting enough sleep, eating a poor diet, and not slowing down when you get sick. Paying attention to your own health risks as a family caregiver is not just important for you, it is also important for your senior and their ongoing health.


Some of the reasons you need to make paying attention to your own health risks a priority as a family caregiver include:

-Elderly adults
have immune systems that are less effective than those of younger adults. This means if you get sick and expose your senior to the germs, they could develop a serious illness or infection.

-Long stretches in the car or sitting with your parent could put you at risk of a blood clot. This is a particularly high risk if you have a personal or family history of clots.

-If you get run down, you cannot give your senior the level of care they need. This can put them at serious risk for health issues, injuries, and even mental and emotional health consequences.


It is important to keep yourself in mind when caring for your parent.

Take the time to eat well, get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and do things that are relaxing and enjoyable. This will not only maintain your quality of life, but will also help you to continue to be the best caregiver possible for your senior.

You are not alone as a family caregiver

There is always help available, and one of the most effective and beneficial sources of this help is senior care. A senior home care services provider can be there for you and for your parent to ensure they get the dedicated, personalized, and respectful care they need, when they need it. Whether this is a few hours during the week to take on a specific care task or every day, you can both feel confident your loved one can manage their needs, stay active, and enjoy their quality of life. This diversified care can also give the additional benefit of greater social stimulation for better mental and emotional well-being and stronger cognitive functioning.

If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring Home Care in Southampton, NY, call the caring staff at Artful Home Care today at 631-685-5001.

Beth McNeill-Muhs
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