What Can Elder Care Do to Help Seniors Age in Place?

According to a survey conducted by AARP, 87 percent of people aged 65 and older hope to “age in place.” This means they want to continue living in their homes as they get older. But, what does it take for seniors to remain in their current homes?


Home Health Care in Amagansett NY: Elder Care Assistance

Home Health Care in Amagansett NY: Elder Care Assistance


Well, first there are the basics.

They need to be able to feed and clothe themselves. They also need a safe environment, which means having a home that is clean and free of hazards. They also need to be able to manage their health conditions, such as by taking their medications and attending medical appointments. But, living well is more than just the basics. Seniors also need to meet their social and emotional needs by having opportunities to interact with others and feeling like their lives have meaning and purpose. How can elder care help your aging relative to meet all those needs and stay at home? The answers are below.

Food and Clothing

Some older adults don’t eat well because they no longer drive and aren’t able to get to the grocery store on their own. They may also lack the ability to cook for themselves because of physical limitations or just never having learned to cook because a spouse always did it. Elder care providers can assist them with everything from planning meals to grocery shopping and cooking.

Clothing can be an obstacle for some seniors in a couple of ways. First, they may have trouble doing laundry because the baskets are heavy or bending to reach in the machines is hard. Second, they might have difficulty dressing because of joint or mobility problems. An elder care provider can do laundry for them. They can also assist with dressing, helping to pull clothing on and fasten buttons and zippers.


Safe and Clean Home

Elder care providers can perform light house cleaning duties, like vacuuming, sweeping, and mopping, making sure the house stays clean. They can also make sure there are no tripping hazards in walkways, replace lightbulbs, and change the batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. If they notice something that needs repair, an elder care provider can notify a family caregiver so that it can be fixed.


Managing Conditions

A main component of managing medical conditions is taking medications. Many seniors have trouble with this step because they forget to take their medicine or forget that they have taken it and take a second dose. Elder care providers can offer medication reminders, so they don’t forget.

Another factor in managing conditions is seeing the doctor regularly. This can be a problem for older adults who no longer drive. Elder care providers can offer transportation to and from medical appointments.


Social and Emotional Needs

Lots of older adults spend a great deal of time alone because they have difficulty getting out of the house on their own. This can leave them feeling lonely and bored. Elder care providers can take them on outings to the library, social events, and even just to run errands where they’ll have the opportunity to interact with others. In addition, simply having an elder care provider visit gives them someone to talk to and do activities with. Elder care providers can play board and card games, read with the senior, help them to do crafts, and enjoy many other activities.

If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring Home Health Care in Amagansett, NY, call the caring staff at Artful Home Care today at 631-685-5001.




Beth McNeill-Muhs
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