What Does it Look Like When You’re Getting Too Angry?

Home Health Care in East Hampton NY: Caregiver Stress And Feelings

Home Health Care in East Hampton NY: Caregiver Stress And Feelings





A common problem for a family caregiver who has too much on her plate is that anger can crop up easily.  Figuring out what it looks and feels like when you’re getting too angry can help you avoid blowups that aren’t productive for you or for your aging family member.

Why Anger Isn’t Helpful in Every Situation

Anger can be really motivating, but as a caregiver, you probably don’t need that kind of motivation.  For example, when you’re dealing with a paperwork mix-up for your elderly family member, being appropriately angry can get some results.  When you’re angry because your aging adult is unable to do the things that she used to do, it’s far less helpful.  Learning to spot and control anger when it’s not helpful can help you focus that energy in a better way.

Look for Physical Signs of Anger Getting out of Control

Many people don’t realize that the physical signs of anger can start to show up well before you’re truly raging.  Signs such as a headache or a clenched feeling in your stomach can show up early in the anger cycle.  You might even start to feel that you have excess energy that you need to burn off through pacing. When you start clenching your fists or your jaw, you’re definitely getting angry.

What Triggers the Anger?

To really deal with the anger you’re feeling, you need to understand what is triggering it.  If the anger involves your elderly family member directly, you might be feeling helpless or as if there’s something that you should be doing differently.  Although this may manifest as anger, it’s misdirected.  In other situations, incompetence might trigger your anger.  You might find it helpful to ask other people to handle those kinds of situations for you.

Get Additional Help if You Need It

If you’re still having issues with managing your anger, find someone who can help you.  Having a counselor to talk with about what you’re feeling can help you learn the tricks that you can use in order to get the results that you want.
As you get more in touch with what your anger looks and feels like, you can start to recognize it when it’s still controllable.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring professional home health care in East Hampton, NY, call the caring staff at Artful Home Care today at 631-685-5001.

Beth McNeill-Muhs
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