What Can You Do if Your Senior Absolutely Hates Cooking?

Often by the time an elderly family member reaches a certain age, cooking is just not something that she wants to do very often. Unfortunately, that can mean that her nutritional intake takes a hit that it can’t afford to take.


Homecare in Bridgehampton NY: Senior Cooking

Homecare in Bridgehampton NY: Senior Cooking



Here are some ideas to help her continue to eat healthy, home-cooked meals more regularly.


Try Cooking Together

Cooking together can be a great way for you and your aging adult to bond and to simply spend time together. You might find yourself doing the lion’s share of the task, depending on how badly your senior hates cooking. But stirring a pot or two while you handle the heavier lifting could be just enough to keep your aging family member involved.


Learning Can Make it More Fun

If your elderly family member never really learned to cook beyond the simplest tasks, it’s possible that learning a little can help. Watching cooking shows or videos together can help to spark that interest, especially once your senior sees how easy it really is to make certain dishes. You might also consider checking books out of the library together to find new recipes to try.


Get Some Extra Help with Cooking

In some cases, there’s not enough learning or bonding to make cooking fun or something that your senior wants to do. That’s when finding another option can help. consider hiring home care providers or asking friends and family members if they’re interested in signing up to bring a dish or two a week to your elderly family member. If your aging adult only has to heat a dish or two up, that might be the best choice.


Have Meals Delivered, Instead

Many local agencies that work with the elderly offer meal delivery, too. This could be a way to augment other choices, such as cooking occasionally or working with home care providers. The meal delivery can fill gaps in your schedule or in the meal schedule that you set up with your other family members.

No matter which options you try, the goal is to ensure that your senior has plenty of healthy food that is easy for her to eat. Don’t feel bad if that means you resort to options beyond cooking for her yourself.


If you or an aging loved one is considering homecare in Bridgehampton, NY, call the caring staff at Artful Home Care today at 631-685-5001.

Beth McNeill-Muhs
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