What Are the Best Ways to Help Your Mom Get Out More?

Social isolation is one of the biggest issues facing older adults. Studies have taken a very close look at isolation in older adults, and Alabama, Arkansas, California, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, New York, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Washington D.C., and West Virginia seem to have the highest risks of becoming an isolated senior.


Homecare in Montauk NY: Help Your Mom Get Out

Homecare in Montauk NY: Help Your Mom Get Out


This doesn’t mean residents of other states have little risk of becoming socially isolated. Six risk factors were looked at in this study. Those risk factors are:

-Difficulty with ADLs/IADLs
-Lives alone
-Low income
-Never married

If your mom struggles with living independently, is disabled or falls into any of the other categories, you should take steps now to make sure she gets out and socializes. Here are the best ways to do that.


Plan Weekly or Twice Monthly Trips Out

Once a week or a couple of times each month, get your mom out of the house. Do something that involves others. Take her to a museum for a group tour, join a painting class, or take part in a club. Look at the local library for reading groups or check the schedule at your local rec department for classes and other programs.

Recreation programs usually charge a fee for the supplies and instruction/lesson. Ask about senior discounts and discounts for locals. Those discounts can save a lot of money. If your mom is skilled in something, she might want to consider leading a program. For example, if she is an expert quilter, she could teach others in a quilting course for beginners.


Introduce Your Mom to the Local Senior Center

Has your mom checked out her local senior center? It’s a great place to meet others while enjoying a meal, a group trip, or a program. Senior centers have art classes, fitness programs, cooking classes, reading groups, gardening programs, and more.

Many of the activities at a senior center are free. Your mom may need to pay a few dollars for a meal or have cash for admissions, meals, and shopping on a trip. Senior center trips may go to a museum, theater event, or casino. There’s a great range of activities for every interest.


Arrange Regular Visits From Caregivers

Have you looked into companionship services from a home care agency? Caregivers come to your mom’s home, take her out shopping if needed, join her on walks, or bring her to appointments and events. Caregivers come as often as she wants and help her remain independent.


If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring Homecare in Montauk, NY, call the caring staff at Artful Home Care today at 631-685-5001.


Beth McNeill-Muhs
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