Hope for 2022 through Serving Others!

Hope for 2022 through Serving Others!As we reflect upon the last year and look ahead to 2022, we often make resolutions that involve what we can do for ourselves. This year, I encourage you to consider what you can do for others. I truly believe when we have a heart of serving and caring for both the people closest to us as well as strangers, that will fill our hearts with peace in a way nothing we do for ourselves can.

There are many ways we can help someone. It may be a simple as holding the door, or letting the driver in a line of traffic, without honking on your horn. Or you could consider writing a note. Perhaps to someone you haven’t spoken to in a long time, maybe someone you need to forgive, or perhaps someone who just may need a friend. You never know when your kindness will be just what someone needs to get through a day! You can also cook a meal, bake a treat, or drop off a restaurant gift card to an elderly neighbor, family member, or a friend who is in need of love. When we lift others up, and help them to grow, we grow by leaps and bounds.

Now, what we have to remember in this new year is that we should do these things through out the year. It shouldn’t just be around the holidays… find the time to serve your friends, family, community in the way that brings you joy!

Let us know if there’s someone you want to help. If there is someone you feel is need of support and you can’t help them yourself, reach out to Artful Home Care. Whether you need community resources, a companion for yourself or someone close to you, or someone to lend an ear, give us a call, 631-259-6472. Speak to myself or Diana. We are here to serve our community. We are ready to listen. We want to help.

Best wishes for an amazing year ahead,

Beth McNeill, President
Artful Home Care

Beth McNeill-Muhs
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