Music Therapy for Seniors

Senior Care in Riverhead NY

Music has always been a catalyst for expression — from those who create it to those who enjoy listening. And music therapy builds upon this relationship to help seniors better manage their Senior-Care-Riverhead-NYthoughts, feelings and emotions.

Definition of Music Therapy
Music therapy is a form of art therapy that helps people from every walk of life better deal with feelings, emotions, pain, and loss, by creating, listening, or moving to music. According to the American Music Therapy Association, it has proven effective in helping lessen the effects of Dementia, and it’s been instrumental in helping autistic children communicate. Music is a powerful tool for healing, and through music therapy, your loved one can experience peace and healing as well.

Uses for Music Therapy
Everyday Health lists numerous uses for music therapy: to help alleviate stress, to help manage pain, and to provide comfort to those who need it. Music therapy is about increasing physical activity and boosting mental agility. It’s about soothing emotions and opening up the lines of communication. This form of art therapy has been used to help people with debilitating injuries regain control of their bodies and to help ease the pain of women in labor.

Among the aging, music therapy helps to improve sleep patterns and regain lost motor control. It has proven especially beneficial for those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, says Music for Health Services.

Music therapy helps manage this debilitating disease in the following ways:

●       It helps decrease irritability and anxiety.

●       It calms and soothes.

●       It increases happiness.

Patients experiencing Alzheimer’s showed an increase in appetite and better sleeping patterns after the introduction of music therapy.

What Happens During Music Therapy?
The type of music therapy that may be chosen to help your aging family member varies by his or her ability. He or she may attend an easy dance class, learn to play a new instrument, or just be exposed to various types of music throughout the day. Music therapy is carried out by trained art therapists who hold the minimum of a bachelor’s degree from an accredited music therapy school. They’re also board-certified and have taken classes in psychology and medicine, as well as music.

If your aging family member engages in music therapy, you may be pleasantly surprised by the improvements you see as a result. If you haven’t already, consider investing in the services of a certified music therapist for your loved one.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring professional Senior Care in Riverhead, NY, call the caring staff at Artful Home Care today at 631-685-5001.



Mental health music therapy



Beth McNeill-Muhs
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