New Tips for Seniors Who Want Better Sleep

Senior Home Care in Water Mill NYSleep is one of the most important things a senior can focus on if they want to stay in good health as they age in place. Unfortunately, if a senior has a bad sleeping routine or they can’t get relaxed they may not be sleeping throughout the night. This can lead to a senior feeling grumpy and tired the next day and frankly, it can impact how well they work with family members and impact their relationships with senior home care. Learning tips to get a better night of sleep is going to be something every senior should focus on as they continue living at home. Here are some tips to think about when it comes to sleeping habits.

Focus on a Consistent Sleeping Schedule

Every human has an internal clock and when they stick to a good sleeping schedule they help align their circadian rhythm. This means by sticking to a schedule a senior will naturally start to get tired around the same time every single night. Even if a senior naturally feels this they may put it off and focus on something else which can be so incredibly bad for their health. Senior home care can ensure your loved one is eating dinner at the same time every night, getting ready for bed, and going to bed at the same time. This will help your loved one sleep throughout the night and is something that should be a focal point for senior home care.

Limit Screen Time

It is so easy for seniors to want to turn on the TV before bed and many people say it is the best way to unwind. But the truth is the lighting from the TV can actually keep someone awake and a suspenseful TV show may have a senior wanting to watch just one more episode. This is not great during a bedtime routine and because of that it is best to limit screen time before bed. Instead of watching TV a senior may want to read a book, do a word search in a book, or drink a cup of tea while journaling. These are great alternatives to watching TV and can help a senior relax and settle their minds down for bed.

Limit Day Time Naps

Sometimes a twenty-minute nap can’t be helped and sometimes a senior needs it. However, senior home care should help ensure the naps are timed out properly. They need to make sure a senior is not resting for too long and not too late during the day because this could cause their nighttime routine to become messed up. If they nap too close to their bedtime they may stay up much later but still wake up at the same time the next day. This is not good for a senior and it can mess up their whole week if the naps become too frequent and consistently at a bad time.

Manage Stress and Worries

A senior may have more stress than you realize and the truth is they need an outlet. If they have no way to get their emotions and feelings out, they may stay up throughout the night worrying about the things they cannot control. One really good way to let go of their stress and worries is by journaling. They can either do this in the morning or right before bed to reflect on the day they have had.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Senior Home Care in Water Mill, NY, call the caring staff at Artful Home Care today at (631) 685-5001
Beth McNeill-Muhs
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