Does Your Elderly Loved One Have Vertigo?
Home Care Services in Amagansett NY: Many people underestimate what vertigo can do to someone’s life until they see it happening. If your elderly loved one has been diagnosed with vertigo, it would be helpful if you could learn as much about this condition as possible.
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Elder Care in Montauk NY: Is your elderly loved one suffering from digestive issues such as constipation? Maybe they need to lower their cholesterol levels, lose some weight, or reduce their risk of getting colorectal cancer.
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Home Health Care in East Quogue NY: High blood pressure is a condition that affects millions of people in the United States. Some people have it and don’t even know.
Read MoreCoronavirus Prevention Tips Your Parents Need to Follow
Home Care Services in Montauk NY: Coronavirus may be reaching the curve in some areas, but it’s not over yet. Your parents still need to do everything possible to prevent contracting the virus.
Read MoreCome Together! Community News and Resources!
Home Care in Hamptons NY: Come together. Yes, that is the opposite of what you are hearing. Social distancing is the new norm and we are coming to terms with that.
Read MoreJust How Important is Your Sense of Smell?
Elder Care in Shelter Island NY: When you lose the sense of smell or it changes, it’s a medical condition known as anosmia. Let’s take a closer look at this condition that could impact your mom or dad’s safety.
Read MoreWhy Caregivers Should Help Older Adults Be More Independent
Senior Care in East Quogue NY: Sometimes family caregivers accuse the older adults they care for, of being stubborn when they refuse help. It’s true that it can be frustrating when a senior won’t let you help them, but it may not be stubbornness causing their refusal.
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Home Care in Hamptons NY: As we move into this new decade I think many of us are striving towards a healthier, happier lifestyle. In order to achieve this goal, we want to work towards reducing stress, making time for the people we love, being present and being mindful of our actions.
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