November Newsletter

November Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Who doesn’t love helping their mind and body feel great?  I know I do.  Our first “Art For Health” program was held at the Ed and Phyllis Davis Wellness Institute at the Southampton Hospital.  November-NewsletterThe three part series is offered at no costs to all member of the community (yes that’s you).  Part one, which took place on Thursday, October 22nd, was an intro to drawing class led by renowned artist Paton Miller.   Our participants (including myself) enjoyed learning a fun approach to drawing a face.  By observing the shapes that form between the lines of our facial features we can begin to draw.   It is as straight forward as that.  You do not need to know how to draw to draw.  You need encouragement and a few tools.  We shouldn’t aim for perfection, as it is not about that, it is about having fun and exploring.  When in-home care is a part of your life, whether the care be by a family member or an aide, integrating enriching activities makes the difference between just an ordinary day and a wonderful day that will leave everyone with a smile on their face!

I encourage those of you who are caregivers to take some time to read through our blog.  We have many suggestions on different activities you can do at home to create a more stimulating day.  I know many of you may think “well I just know my mom wouldn’t draw, she never has, never will”, well…. why not try it and she may J.  What I am getting at is that we must change our perception of aging.  We CAN age with grace and dignity.  We CAN gain knowledge and intelligence.  We CAN improve our eyesight and strengthen our bodies as we age.   We CAN be active and enjoying quality of life.  And we CAN be less dependent on pharmaceuticals.  But we must think these things CAN happen in order for them to happen.  So yes, maybe your mom will draw if YOU think she CAN.

I’m gonna leave you with that for now.  We are all aging, so lets do it right!

Should you want to speak more about how we CAN improve the life of your aging loved one, please call, 631-259-6472 and ask for me directly, lets get you on the right track!

With gratitude,


Beth McNeill-Muhs


If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring professional caregivers in Southampton, NY, call the caring staff at Artful Home Care today at 631-685-5001.

Beth McNeill-Muhs
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