Nutrition: Four Ways to Promote Nutritious Eating for Your Senior

Nutrition: Preventing malnutrition is one of the most important things that you can do for your senior and yet sometimes it can be difficult to even determine what she’s eating on a regular basis.

Nutrition: If you’re noticing signs that she’s not eating well, like she’s losing weight or she’s sick more often, it’s important to talk to her about what’s happening.


Home Care Services in Hampton Bays NY: Nutritious Eating

Home Care Services in Hampton Bays NY: Nutritious Eating


Get to Know Why She’s Having Trouble Eating Nutritious Meals

Talk with your elderly family member about what in particular is causing her to have issues eating more healthfully. If she’s not able to get to the grocery store, for instance, that’s a problem that you can find a solution for. You can do her shopping for her or you can hire senior care providers who are able to do the shopping and help with meal preparation.


Make Sure She’s Got Access to Healthy Foods

The easier it is for your elderly family member to access healthy foods, the more likely it will be that she chooses those rather than nothing or junk foods. This is another area where senior care providers can be a huge help. They can be there to troubleshoot the meals and snacks that your senior prefers and make sure that there are healthful choices whenever she’s ready to eat.


Put a Plan in Place if She Has Trouble Eating

Physical difficulty with eating, whether that’s related to chewing or to other issues, is something that you may be able to help your senior to work around, too. Switching to soft foods or purees might be a good choice, and your senior’s doctor may have some recommendations for ensuring that she’s getting the nutrients she needs.

Nutrition: Ask Your Senior What Else She Needs that You Might Have Overlooked

Don’t forget to just talk with your senior about what else she might need that hasn’t been addressed. Very often there’s something very small or simple that just isn’t working for your elderly family member and she needs a little extra help. She may not even know how to solve these other issues and sees them as something she just has to live with, but you can change that.

Tackling malnutrition is critical for your senior’s overall health and well-being, so it’s not something that you or she can keep ignoring. Don’t try to solve every problem all at once, especially if you’re both overwhelmed. Get some help and take everything one step at a time.


If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring Home Care Services in Hampton Bays, NY, call the caring staff at Artful Home Care today at 631-685-5001.

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Beth McNeill-Muhs