Organization: Help Your Parents Get Organized for Good

Organization: One of the first signs that home care may help your parents is a messy, disorganized home.

On its own, a messy house isn’t that unusual. If your parents have been organized and suddenly that changes, it’s a sign that they’re having a more challenging time with organization and cleaning. Here’s what you need to do.


Home Care in East Quogue NY: Organization

Home Care in East Quogue NY: Organization


Do a Full Clean Out of Every Room

It’s time to clean out every room. Start in the kitchen and work your way through the house. The kitchen is a great place to start because it has to be clean and rid of spoiled foods. Compost foods that are no longer safe to eat or won’t be eaten before their expiration date.

That waffle maker that your mom hasn’t used in a year. It’s not something she needs to have out on her counter. She has a coffee press, but she only uses her drip coffee maker. There’s no point in keeping the coffee press that she never uses.

Sell items that she doesn’t need or want. Donate items if your parents prefer. Recycle or throw-away items that are broken. Once one room is cleaned and organized, move to the next. The goal is for every item to have value and have a place to go when it’s not being used.

Invest in Storage Units and Containers

Look into storage units and containers that help with organization. Your dad has more clothes than he has closet space, come up with another solution. Plastic storage bins that fit under the bed are helpful.

Your parents’ coat closet only has one hanging bar. It doesn’t have shelves, which limits its usefulness. Consider purchasing cube storage shelving that fits under the hanging bar. Coats go onto hangers, and items like towels, scarves, mittens, and gloves go into the bins that fit in each cube.

Organization: Think of Your Parents’ Abilities When Organizing

Your mom is scared of heights and won’t touch a stepladder. Your dad has arthritis in the hips and can’t bend over to pick something up. Keep their limitations in mind when you are organizing their house.

If your mom can’t reach the top shelf on upper cabinets, items she rarely uses should go on those shelves. She should have a sturdy grabbing tool to help her get things down if no one is with her. Your dad can’t bend down, so put items he uses most often at a comfortable height for him.

Once your parents’ home is organized, how do you get it to stay that way? If your parents have a hard time with the organization and staying on top of household chores, it’s time to talk about home care services. A home care aide can stop by, handle the light housekeeping for them, and make sure things get put away in the right spot.


If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring a Home Care in East Quogue, NY, call the caring staff at Artful Home Care today at 631-685-5001.

Beth McNeill-Muhs
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