Practice Drills and Home Care Services: Do They Matter?

Home Care in Southampton NY

If you’ve ever witnessed professional emergency response teams running drills, it’s quite a sight. Homeland Security,Home Care in Southampton NY the National Guard, fire departments, police departments, and much more often run numerous practice drills in order to stay sharp, get real world experience, and be ready for any potential emergency.

It might not seem that home care services would need to run any type of practice drills. After all, providing assistance to an elderly client at home might normally involve doing laundry, preparing a meal, helping them with light housekeeping, assisting them getting out of bed or getting dressed, and other basic tasks throughout the day.

Practicing for emergencies helps people respond appropriately.

The more prepared a person is for any particular emergency, the more likely he or she will remain calm, cool, and collected if and when an actual emergency arises. For example, if the senior suddenly becomes faint, collapses to the ground, and is unresponsive, a person who is not prepared for that type of emergency may panic. He may rush over to the senior’s side, shake him and try to get a response.

She might try to remember where she placed her cell phone. She could run around the house digging through a pocketbook, backpack, coat, or anything else trying to find the phone. In a panic it’s easy to forget where things are, even when they are right there in the open.

A person who practiced responding to certain emergency situations would be more likely to quickly assess the situation, find the phone, call 911, and get emergency personnel on the way to the house.

Emergencies can come in all forms, including health and physical. If there is a natural disaster, such as a major earthquake in Southern California or a tornado that rips through the Midwest, it can increase the challenges for a person who is providing some type of care for another individual at home.

March is American Red Cross Month, and this organization is known for its ability to respond to emergency situations. Any person who is caring for another individual should take every opportunity to learn first aid, CPR, and other emergency planning strategies. It can make a world of difference in the event an actual emergency occurs. In most likelihood, they will never have to deal with an emergency, which is great, but when one does happen, they will be grateful they are prepared.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring home care services in Southampton, NY, call the caring staff at Artful Home Care today at 631-685-5001.

Beth McNeill-Muhs
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