Protecting Your Vision Requires being Proactive, and Hiring a Professional Caregiver Will Help

Caregiver in East Quogue

Your vision is a part of your overall health, even though many people don’t actually consider it in the Caregiver in East Quoguesame way they would cardiovascular health, physical exercise, and more. Yet, the moment people begin to experience the symptoms of glaucoma, macular degeneration, or even cataracts and struggle to see clearly, they become stressed.

Fears about blindness, having to feel your way around your own home, and being ‘left in the dark’ can be tremendously traumatizing for some individuals. When a senior gets older, the risk of vision related problems increases, including cataracts, glaucoma macular degeneration, and many others. People who experience vision loss often find safety, comfort, and security when they hire a caregiver.

What professional home care providers can do for elderly clients.

While family members and friends may be there for a while, over time their assistance will likely diminish simply because of all the other responsibilities they have going on in life. On the other hand, a professional and experienced caregiver would be there for the elderly client as scheduled every single week.

When people have difficulty seeing as well as they used to, those evening and nighttime hours can be extremely problematic. They might have difficulty getting down the hall, seeing well enough in the living room, or even going to the basement. They could potentially trip and fall over certain items they don’t see that are hiding in the shadows. It doesn’t matter if these items have been in the same place for years; when sight is affected, it can change the perspective on most things around them.

An experienced caregiver would be able to assess the situation in each room in the house, offer suggestions for moving certain items out of the way, and even provide valuable insight about lighting.  An experienced home care provider would also likely encourage the elderly client to make an appointment with his or her eye care professional. The sooner a diagnosis is made, the quicker treatment can begin and that can possibly reduce the risk of permanent vision loss or even complete blindness.

June is Cataracts Awareness Month and any senior who is dealing with some type of vision related problem may want to consider hiring an experienced caregiver as well as getting an eye exam as soon as possible.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring professional caregiver services in East Quogue, NY or the surrounding areas, call the caring staff at Artful Home Care today at 631-685-5001.

Beth McNeill-Muhs
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