How Can You Take a Vacation as a Family Caregiver?

Senior Care in Southampton NY

Taking a vacation, even a short one, is a fantastic way to get away from the stress of being a family caregiver. The problem is that it can feel like the last very last thing that you should ever do. So Senior-Care-in-Southampton-NYhow can you go through with your plans to take a vacation when you’re responsible for your loved one?

Dealing with the Guilt

If you’re planning on taking a vacation without your loved one, you’re likely to feel guilt and even anxiety about the decision. You might worry that your loved one will resent you or that something will happen while you’re gone. The key is to make thorough plans for your loved one’s care while you’re gone and to make sure that you have the time away that you need to have. Otherwise, you’ll burn yourself out.

Making the Plans

Only you can decide how far away you want to go and for how long, but remember that even a weekend spent two towns away can do you a world of good. Once you have your own plans in place, it’s time to make sure that your loved one is cared for as well. Line up senior care providers or other family members to step in during your absence. Leave them detailed information about where you’ll be, what your loved one needs, and how to get in touch with her doctors. It certainly helps if your respite care help has helped your loved one before. Make sure that everyone has your contact information so that if you are needed, you’re reachable.

Enjoy Your Time Away

Once you’re on your way, enjoy your time. if you spend the entire trip worrying about your loved one, you’ll be just as stressed when you get back. Make happy memories now that you can return to on the tough days that make you feel that you can’t do it anymore. If it helps to ease any anxiety for your loved one, check in once a day while you’re gone. When you get home, you’ll have plenty of time to catch up with what’s been going on with your loved one.

Taking time away is essential for family caregivers, so don’t talk yourself out of a vacation.


If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring senior care in Southampton, NY, call the caring staff at Artful Home Care today at 631-685-5001.

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Beth McNeill-Muhs