How Can I Recognize Depression in My Aging Parent?

Elderly Care in Riverhead NY: Recognize Senior Depression

Elderly Care in Riverhead NY: Unlike the common misconception, depression is much more than feeling sad. Every adult experiences periods of being depressed, but the clinical diagnosis of depression goes much deeper.

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Why Is Your Senior Resistant to Talking about Giving up Driving?

Elderly Care in Riverhead NY: Many caregivers find that when they want to talk about driving, their aging adult finds a way out of the conversation. There may be some very important reasons that your senior doesn’t want to talk about this topic with you.

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Helping Your Senior Parent with Sleep Disorders


Elderly Care in Riverhead NY: It’s a myth that people require less sleep as they get older. Many people have grandparents who get 4 to 5 hours of sleep a night and seem to function fine over the course of the day, but older people need the same amount of sleep as everyone else.

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