The Powerful Effects of Knitting for Art Therapy

Senior Care in Montauk NY

Whether the senior is overcoming psychological or physical disabilities, art therapy can be a powerful tool at conquering these obstacles that are taking over the senior’s life. Art therapy requires an art therapist to come in and conduct many different activities that will provide soothing, relaxing feelings among the ailing adult. While there are several different art techniques that can be Senior-Care-Montauk-NYused, knitting is a popular choice. Because of the repetitive motions used in knitting, it is found to be a soothing activity that allows the knitter to clear their mind, greatly reducing the amount of stress the aging adult is feeling or to help them forget about the medical condition their bodies are going through. It has also been used to reduce the brain’s aging process and boost happiness. To find out if knitting is the right therapeutic activity for your loved one, here are some of the benefits found from this rhythmic activity.

Reduces Depression
When we participate in rewarding activities that we enjoy, dopamine is released from our brain, resulting in feelings of happiness. To prove this point, The British Journal of Occupational Therapy conducted a survey stating that 81% of respondents with depression reported feeling happy after knitting, while half reported feeling very happy. Not only is dopamine released during the knitting process, but also after the product has been completed, allowing the knitter to relish in their finished masterpiece.

Protects Against Aging
Dementia is a memory-losing illness that has been most commonly found in people who are 65 and over. However, by participating in mind-stimulating activities, the brain can actually be strengthened, reducing and prolonging the effects of aging. Through crafting, playing games, reading books, and partaking in other intellectual stimulating activities, mild cognitive impairment is greatly reduced by 30 to 50 percent, according to a study published by The Journal of Neuropsychiatry.

Therapeutic Effects 
Regular knitters have found that knitting has the same effects as meditation, allowing you to become completely absorbed in the project, removing all other thoughts. The parasympathetic nervous system is activated when we knit because of the repetitive motions, quieting the internal chaos that is taking place. Knitting has been known to lower stress and anxiety levels, putting the senior in a much more serene state of mind.

Knitting is not an activity that can easily be accomplished by members of the community who have never completed a knitting project before. It takes patience and determination to get each project done just right. However, once the elder knows how to knit, they will be able to remove themselves from any memories, feelings, or situations that are affecting their lives. With the help of an art therapist, the senior will be able to melt away all of the thoughts and feelings that are bothering them, replacing them with feelings of tranquility and peace. As long as the senior is willing to learn this new skill, knitting can provide the therapy they are in search of.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring professional senior care services in Montauk, NY, call the caring staff at Artful Home Care today at 631-685-5001.


Wilson, Jacque. “This is your brain on crafting.” January 5, 2015.

Beth McNeill-Muhs
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